Here are some major publications. For more publications, please find them at ResearchGate

Research Articles

  • 木村友美、斎藤優久乃、伊藤実穂、山道萌子、Raffaello Riley VOLUNTAD ,高松真夕(2023)「「地域の食」を探求する―瀬戸内食のフィールドワークから」未来共創、10号, 311-335.
  • Sasiwongsaroj, K., Ono, M., Duangkaew, S. and Kimura, Y. (2024), "Emic and etic perspectives in transnational migration research: methodological reflections of a cross-national research team", Qualitative Research Journal, ahead-of-print.
  • 木村友美、石本恭子、クワンチット・サシウォンサロージ(2022)「社会・文化的観点からの「フレイル」再考――感染症拡大下における生活変化に関する日タイ比較研究から」Medical Science Digest. 48 (5) :154-156.
  • Kimura Y, Akasaka H, Takahashi T, Yasumoto S, Kamide K, Ikebe K, Kabayama M, Kasuga A, Rakugi H, Gondo Y. (2022) Factors Related to Preventive Behaviors against a Decline in Physical Fitness among Community-Dwelling Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 15;19(10):6008. doi:10.3390/ijerph19106008.
  • Kimura Y, Sasaki R. (2022). Staple food shift in Papua, Indonesia: a discussion based on the study of diabetic patients and the cultural significance of sago palm. SAGO PALM, 29(2), pp. 53-62.
  • Iwasaki M, Kimura Y, Yamaga T, Yamamoto N, Ishikawa M, Wada T, SakamotoR, Ishimoto Y, Fujisawa M, Okumiya K, Otsuka K, Matsubayashi K, Ogawa H. (2020) A population‐based cross‐sectional study of the association between periodontitis and arterial stiffness among the older Japanese population. Journal of Periodontal Research 56(2), pp.423-431.
  • Sasaki L, Haapio-Kirk L, Kimura Y*. (2021). “Sharing virtual meals among the elderly: An ethnographic and quantitative study of the role of smartphones in distanced social eating in rural Japan” Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 21(2), pp.1-42. (*corresponding author)
  •  Iwasaki M, Kimura Y, Ogawa H, Yamaga T, Ansai T, Wada T, Sakamoto R, FujisawaM, Kiyohito O, Miyazaki H, Matsubayashi K. (2019) Periodontitis, periodontal inflammation, and mild cognitive impairment: A 5‐year cohort study. Journal of Periodontal Research 54(3), pp.233-240.
  •  Kimura Y, Iwasaki M, Ishimoto Y, Sasiwongsaroj K, Sakamoto R, et al. (2019) Association between anorexia and poor chewing ability among community-dwelling older adults in Japan. Geriatr. Gerontol. Int. 19(12), pp.1290–1292.
  •  Ishida A, Fujisawa M, Del Saz E, Okumiya K, Kimura Y, Manuaba I, Kareth M, Rantetampang A, Ohya Y, Matsubayashi K. (2018) “Arterial stiffness, not systolic blood pressure, increases with age in native Papuan populations.” Hypertension Research. 41(7), pp.539-546.
  •  Iwasaki M, Kimura Y, Sasiwongsaroj K, Kettratad M, Sutee Suksudaj, Yasuko Ishimoto, Nai-Yuan Chang, Ryota Sakamoto, Kozo Matsubayashi, Yupin Songpaisan, Hideo Miyazaki (2018) “Association between objectively measured chewing ability and frailty: a cross-sectional study in central Thailand.” Geriatr Gerontol Int. 18(6), pp.860-866.
  • 木村友美 (2018)「ヒマラヤ高地、ラダーク地方における大麦食とその変化―栄養成分と健康効果に着目して」ヒマラヤ学誌19, pp.60-72.
  •  Iwasaki M, Kimura Y, Ogawa H, et al. (2017) “The association between dentition status and sarcopenia in Japanese adults aged ≥75 years.” Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 44(1), pp.51-58.
  • 木村友美、坂本龍太、石川元直、Tsering Norboo、奥宮清人. (2017)「都市に定住したチベット遊牧民の食と生活習慣病-インド・ラダーク地方の難民居住区での調査から」ヒマラヤ学誌 18, pp.92-101.
  • Chang Y, Kimura Y, Ishimoto Y, et al. Relationship between Oral Dysfunction, Physical Disability, and Depressive Mood  in the Community-dwelling Elderly in Japan. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2016;64(8):1734-5.

 Sakamoto R, Okumiya K, Imai H, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, et al. (2016) “Predictors of difficulty in carrying out basic activities of daily living among the old-old: A 2-year community-based cohort study. “Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 16(2), pp.214-222.

  • Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, Fukutomi E, et al. (2016) “Glucose intolerance associated with hypoxia in people living at high altitudes in the Tibetan highland.” BMJ Open. 23;6(2): e009728. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009728.
  • Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, Ishikawa M, Kimura Y, Fukutomi E, et al.(2016) “J-Curve Association Between Glucose Intolerance and Hemoglobin and Ferritin Levels at High Altitude.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 64(1), pp.207-210.
  • Iwasaki M, Kimura Y,  Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Yamaga T et al. (2015) “Association between dental status and food diversity among older Japanese.” Community Dental Health 32, pp.1-7.
  • Norboo T, Tsering S, Kimura Y, Okumiya K et al. (2015) “Prevalence of hypertension at high altitude: cross-sectional survey in Ladakh, Northern India 2007–2011” BMJ Open. 5: e007026. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-.
  • Sasiwongsaroj K, Wada T, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, et al. (2015) “Buddhist social networks and health in old age: A study in central Thailand.“ Geriatrics Gerontology International.  15, pp.1210-8.
  • Iwasaki M, Kimura Y,  Yoshihara A, Ogawa H, Yamaga T et al. (2015) “Association between dental status and food diversity among older Japanese.” Community Dental Health 32, pp.1-7.
  • Norboo T, Tsering S, Kimura Y, Okumiya K et al. (2015) “Prevalence of hypertension at high altitude: cross-sectional survey in Ladakh, Northern India 2007–2011” BMJ Open. 5: e007026. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-.
  • Sasiwongsaroj K, Wada T, Ishimoto Y, Kimura Y, et al. (2015) “Buddhist social networks and health in old age: A study in central Thailand.“ Geriatrics Gerontology International.  15, pp.1210-8.
  • 木村友美、石本恭子、稲村哲也、松林公蔵 他. (2013) 「開発途上地域における糖尿病にみる健康教育の重要性-インドネシア・パプア州の症例より」14, pp.211-216.
  • 木村友美、福富江利子、石川元直、奥宮清人 他. (2013) 「インド・ラダークにおける住民の栄養摂取量と糖尿病との関連」 ヒマラヤ学誌 14, pp.39-45.
  • 木村友美. (2013) 「食からみた地域高齢者の健康-食多様性・食行動に注目した国際地域間比較研究-」日本老年医学会誌 50, pp.326-329
  • Kimura Y, Ogawa H, Yoshihara A, et al. (2013) “Evaluation of chewing ability and its relationship with activities of daily living, depression, cognitive status and food intake in the community-dwelling elderly.” Geriatr Gerontol Int. 13, pp.718-725
  • Kimura Y, Wada T, Okumiya K, Ishimoto Y, Matsubayashi K, et al. (2012) ‘‘ Eating alone among community-dwelling Japanese elderly: association with depression and food diversity.” J Nutr Health Aging. 16(8), pp.728-31.
  • Fujisawa M, Bagus Manuaba I, Kimura Y, Imai H, et al. (2012) ‘‘Correlation of systolic blood pressure with age and body mass index in native Papuan populations. Hypertens Res. 35(9), pp.959-960.
  • 木村友美、松林公蔵、坂本龍太、他. (2012)  「高所住民における食多様性と健康度との関連-青海省・ラダークにおける市街部と郡部での比較-」ヒマラヤ学誌 13, pp.86-93.
  • Okumiya K, Fukutomi E, Kimura Y, Ishimoto Y, et al. (2011) ‘‘Strong association between polycythemia and glucose intolerance in older adults living at high altirudes in Andes.” J Am Geritr Soc. 59 (10), pp.1971-1973.
  • 木村友美、石本恭子、松林公蔵、Tsering Norboo、奥宮清人 他. (2011) 「ラダークにおける基本料理の栄養成分データベースの構築」ヒマラヤ学誌 12, pp.32-39.
  • 木村友美、松林公蔵、Ri-Li Ge、Haisheng Qiao、奥宮清人. (2010) 「中国青海省の高齢者における肉類摂取頻度と健康との関連」ヒマラヤ学誌 11, pp.29-35.
  • 松林公蔵、木村友美、石本恭子、他. (2010) 「中国青海省高地高齢者における老年医学的総合機能評価」ヒマラヤ学誌 11, pp.11-20.
  • Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, Kimura Y et al. (2010) “ Strong Association Between Polycythemia and Glucose Intolerance in Elderly high-altitude dwellers in Asia.” J Am Geriatr Soc. 58(3) pp.609-611,
  • Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, Kimura Y, Ishimoto Y, Wada T, et al. (2010) “ Diabetes mellitus and hypertension in elderly highlanders in Asia.” J Am Geriatr Soc, 58(6), pp.1193-1195.
  • Kimura Y, Wada T, Okumiya K, Kozo Matsubayashi, et al. (2009) “Community-dwelling elderly with chewing difficulty are more disabled, depressed, and have lower score in QOL.” Geriatr Gerontol Int. 9, pp.102–104. 
  • Kimura Y, Okumiya K, Sakamoto R, et al. (2009) “Comprehensive geriatric assessment of elderly highlanders in Qinghai, China IV: comparison of food diversity and its relation to health of Han and Tibetan elderly.” Geriatr Gerontol Int. 9, pp.359-365.
  • Matsubayashi K, Wada T, Kimura Y et al. (2009) “Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment of Elderly Highlanders in Qinghai in China I: ADL, QOL and Metabolic Syndrome.” Geratr Gerontol Int. 9, pp. 333-341.