Dietary Habit and Oral Status among Aged Population
This study focus on Diet and Health among elderly people. The field survey will be carried out in the community in Japan and Thailand and aim to reveal frailty with multiple aspects which include mental status such as depression and QOL, nutrition status, and social backgrounds, as well as physical functions. Moreover, anthropological approach about the cognition of “Frailty” among elderly people will be carried out by qualitative interview. Thus, this study might reveal frailty with multiple aspect and show the possible intervention plan for the care prevention along with regionally specific trend or characteristics of the frailty among the elderly.
Dietary habit and Oral Health
Eating a variety of foods is recommended as healthy eating habit. Previous studies showed that dietary diversity is closely associated with longevity. However, food variety is reported to decline with aging.
We conducted the collaborative survey on chewing ability and dietary diversity of elderly people living in Tosa town, Kochi Prefecture in Japan, and Nakhon Pathom in Thailand, during the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment conducted by Kyoto University and Niigata University. “Eating alone” is also focused in relation to the physical and mental health and social background.
Keywords: Food diversity, oral health, eating alone
Dr. Ryota Sakamoto, Ph.D, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto Univeristy
Dr. Hideo Miyazaki (Division of Preventive Dentistry, Niigata University)
Dr. Masanori Iwasaki, Ph.D (Division of Community Oral Health Development, Kyushu Dental University)
Dr. Yasuko Ishimoto, Ph.D (Center of Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University)
Dr. Matana Kettratad (Faculity of Dentistry, Thammasat University)
Dr. Sutee Suksudej (Faculity of Dentistry, Thammasat University)
Grants/ Supports
- 2017 Ajinomoto Reseach Grant 味の素 食文化研究助成「共食と孤食ー食行動とその変容に関するフィールド栄養学」代表:木村友美
- 2016 Human Science Project, Osaka University 大阪大学人間科学研究科 ヒューマンサイエンスプロジェクト研究助成 代表:木村友美
- 2014-2015 Lotte Research Promotion Grant ロッテ財団 食と健康の研究助成「地域高齢者の咀嚼能力と食多様性および包括的健康度の低下に関する縦断的研究」代表:木村友美
Frailty of Elderly
Study “Frailty”, which is defined as the geriatric status that is closely to be physically dependent is also important for preventive care among this area. The field survey will be carried out in the community in Japan and Thailand and aim to reveal frailty with multiple aspects which include mental status such as depression and QOL, nutrition status, and social backgrounds, as well as physical functions. Moreover, anthropological approach about the cognition of “Frailty” among elderly people will be carried out by qualitative interview. Thus, this study might reveal frailty with multiple aspect and show the possible intervention plan for the care prevention along with regionally specific trend or characteristics of the frailty among the elderly.
Keywords: Frailty, mixed method, Japan, Thailand
Dr. Kwanchit Sasiwongsaroj (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures in Asia, Mahidol University)
Dr. Hideo Miyazaki (Division of Preventive Dentistry, Niigata University)
Dr. Masanori Iwasaki, Ph.D (Division of Community Oral Health Development, Kyushu Dental University)
Dr. Yasuko Ishimoto, Ph.D (Center of Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University)
Grants/ Supports
- 2016-2019 KAKEN(#16K16663) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) , Neo-Gerontology, “Frailty” of elderly people in Asia <科研:基盤C、代表:木村友美>